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Análisis y Desarrollo

We are a team of senior psychologists, specialised both in the field of organisations and in clinical health, who lead projects and a network of multidisciplinary collaborators. This configuration allows us to tackle projects of varying complexity and magnitude with great flexibility, while maintaining the level of rigour, efficiency and specialisation that each one requires.


To contribute to the progress of companies, organisations and the people who work in them by fostering significant alliances and acting in the following areas:


We work in a structured and agile way in the different selection processes, adapting our methodology to the singularity or complexity of each organisation or process. We contrast assessment criteria with a battery of psycho-technical tests.


  • Complete selection with guaranteed coverage of the job.

  • Massive selection processes.

  • Support in the pre-selection of candidates.



Adequate when you want to evaluate and go deeper into the resources and possibilities of a professional, as well as to obtain a psycho-professional report of one or several candidates provided by the organisation.

  • Individual or multiple evaluations in the event of new incorporations.

  • Assessments of teams that already form part of the organisation.

  • Assessment focused on evaluating the suitability to work in contexts with a high level of psychosocial risks.



Mental and Psychosocial Health Assessment of professionals in a position of high stress and emotional distress.


Psychosocial Risk Assessment:

  • Analysis and identification of occupational risk factors and protective factors.

  • Implementation of a specific intervention programme.

  • Monitoring and control of the measures adopted.


Prevention of psychosocial risks:

  • Assessing and certifying people's suitability to work in places with certain psychosocial risks.

  • Prevention of risks of accidents adopted.


Certificate of suitability of professionals to work in places with certain psychosocial risks


Interventions to improve well-being at work and prevention of occupational mental health:

  • Analysis and Evaluation of occupational psychosocial risks and support in the structure and establishment of a Plan of Care of the teams.

  • Activities to Promote Mental Health and Well-being in the teams: 

    • Improve the psychosocial work environment and the health and well-being of the members of the organisation.

    • Interventions in awareness-raising, training or group or individual intervention focused on both leaders, middle management or various groups of staff.

    • Psycho-educational webinars.

    • Group workshops to raise awareness of action-care and promote resilience mechanisms for professionals with exposure to professional burnout and/or vicarious traumatisation.

    • Support and training to promote effective strategies for constructive and resilient coping.

  • Crisis intervention.

  • Prevention of critical incidents.

  • First Psychological Aid / First Basic Psychological Support.

  • Coaching, Guidance and individual psycho-professional support to professionals in transition stages.

  • Interventions in awareness-raising, training or group or individual intervention focused on leaders, middle management or diverse groups of staff.

  • DPT

  • Climate studies

  • Process design

  • Case studies 

  • Assessment Center


Empresa que trabajan con nosotras
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